兒童樹木體驗工作坊 (2019)

Wood experience workshop for children

早前我們受香港基督教服務處雋匯幼兒學校邀請,為他們的學生作一個分享。起初我們也不知道跟幼稚園學生分享甚麼比較適合,透過不斷和老師討論過後,決定帶同實物與同學們分享。我們帶了數種較為常見的樹木給他們用手接觸,又以新鮮蘋果和果乾解釋樹木乾燥的過程(小朋友們更有蘋果乾吃)。最後我們邀請同學在木頭上畫出他們對雲的想像,這些木頭最後會成為我們在Asia Society展覽的一部分。

We were invited by Hong Kong Christian Services Central Nursery School to a sharing for their students. In the beginning, we didn't know what content would suit kindergarten students, but after discussing with the teachers we decided to bring them the wood itself. We brought samples of a few commonplace trees for them to touch and explained the process of seasoning with fresh apples and apple chips. (The kids get to eat them too!) Finally, we had the students draw their imagination of clouds on pieces of wood, which will become part of our exhibition in Asia Society.