台灣相思木版畫工作坊及斜坡生態遊 (2019)

Acacia woodblock print workshop and vegetated slopes eco-tour



Post Tree Lifestyle hopes to open up the upcycling process with the public through various activities. Since December 2018, we had the pleasure to have organized workshops at the University Museum and Art Gallery, Hong Kong University, and created unique woodblock prints surrounded by their wood art collection. After a tour around vegetation in Yuen Chau Kok led by Tree Management students, participants were able to observe plants closely and express their experience through carving and printing woodblock prints. Each print embodies its interest and cares for local trees.

In the workshops, we encounter a lot of participants interested in printmaking but don’t know where to start. After drying treatment in the vacuum dryer, Acacia confusa, the kind of wood we upcycle, has a hardness just right for beginners’ to carve with small hand tools. As long as you dare to sketch out your imagination, you could create your own art anytime.